Tiny Twistars- Classes for kids ages 2-5!
Child development experts know, for preschoolers & kindergartners, acquiring healthy learning attitudes are far more important than mastery of specific skills. Gemini’s Tiny Twistar curriculum is carefully designed for exactly what children need most during these formative years. In the Tiny Twistars program, gymnastics skills are used as tools to teach learning attitudes while skill mastery is a secondary goal.
Tiny Twistar level classes are based on age and teacher recommendation. In addition to physical skills such as balance, strength, and coordination, turn-taking, following directions, independence are all skills worked on in class. Many times it is best for the kids to remain in their classes after their birthdays. Similar to school, when a 6 year old turns 7, they finish out the year and expand on their skills and do not jump into 2nd grade.
**Please note, we are unable to assist kids in the bathroom. We recommend using the bathroom before you come...just in case!**
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